For Sale 1967 and 1968 Fury III Convertibles

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The 68 has potential but would require a whole lot, I can just imagine how he hacked the floor to set it on the frame. The owner should just sell off the engine and trans and lower his price to something more realistic for what is there.
68 Frankenstein

Quick someone know the Heimlich Maneuver as I think something is stuck in my throat...
The lt blue 67 has been on ebay a number of times, and his price has kept dropping (which it needs to do).
I think that car has potential for a guy that can work on it himself, but it needs to be down around $5000 to do so. Right now IMHO it is so ho-hum and undesirable.

The 68 needs to be parted out at this point - no Chevy guy, nor any Mopar guy, wants that one now.
And with all the work that 68 needs, with no windshield on it, and apparently sitting outside, we went and put the tunnel ram on it to ensure that the engine would now be exposed to the elements, too. Poor project planning, plain and simple...:stop:
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