For Sale 1967 Dodge Monaco 2 Dr.Hdtp. $800

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Agreed.. and that Gold mine’s just for shipping costs. Ever had one of those cars that just jumped out attcha and said “Buy Me plz”?.. this is one of them. I like the color combo and the body lines. Assuming she’s not a POS rust bucket. I’d buy her if she were MUCH closer..
She's been up for a while and the price has been going south accordingly. Not being able to confirm the structural condition of the car scares me a little but theres an awful lot of stuff to like there.
She's been up for a while and the price has been going south accordingly. Not being able to confirm the structural condition of the car scares me a little but theres an awful lot of stuff to like there.

Big block, console, A/C. Yup, a lot to like and only 4500 miles away, lol
It may be too cold up there to use salt in winter.If that is the case,the body should be in decent shape. I agree the seller should disclose the body's condition in better detail.
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