I don't even know what that means but it still made me laugh.Hope this doesn't start another hardware discussion with Stormer.
I would guess that there thingy to be a slide rule. Can't say that I've ever seen one & no clue how to run it.
I don't even know what that means but it still made me laugh.Hope this doesn't start another hardware discussion with Stormer.
Sheesh. You don't RUN an effen sliderule. There's no On/Off switch. It's brain powered. An ancient trait that no one uses anymore (the brain power, that is)...no clue how to run it.
Ok, I'll rephrase: What replaced the slide rule? Calculator?Depends on what you are calculating.
Ok, I'll rephrase: What replaced the slide rule? Calculator?
Yes Sir...........there wasn't any caculators when I was in high school. Or computers or any gadgets.
No Calculators? Your not that old Bob, Texas instruments was making handheld's in the early 70's
No Calculators? Your not that old Bob, Texas instruments was making handheld's in the early 70's
Today they strongly encourage the kids not just to use calculators but they encourage them to bring their own technology to school & use it as much as possible.
Slide rules are still kept around and used as punishment for those who don't like computers.
My kids are getting a wonderful education.Yet they can't pinpoint Austrailia on a Globe or balance a checkbook.
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Yet they can't pinpoint Austrailia on a Globe or balance a checkbook.
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My kids are getting a wonderful education.