1968 Chrsler 300

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What honey? No, that's been there for years.
Shame the car is so far gone. A Chrysler Fast Top is in my bucket list....
Me too! This one has the right color combo for me, love the blues especially when mixed with white. Too many projects right now.
Yes it would. Probably the nicest looking of the bunch.
My preference, though, would be a '67 Newport stripper like my first C-body ever. Nicest memories (wink-wink) of the bunch.

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Yup, you can even see the AM/FM radio with knobs vs. the thumb rollers.

I always liked the looks of the thumb rollers though.

I have always really liked the tail of the '67 Newports.

Well, I'm kind of an addict to any '67-'68 Chrysler.
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other than the trunk...the floor boards and frame are solid as are the doors, hood, trunk lid..... was hoping at $1000 for a complete car I would find a taker. Any one interested in parts let me know...
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