1968 fury scrap yard save


Senior Member
May 24, 2018
Reaction score
shepherdsville kentucky
Buddy of mine called me a couple of weeks back said he knew where a 68 fury was, and the owner was wanting it scrapped. My buddy just wanted the engine for his charger and asked if I wanted the body for my parts yard. Of course. Well here it is. H- code 68 fury 383. Has some significant rust, probably just a parts car but cool nonetheless. Got it to the farm last night. Here are a few pics for you guys.
Would have been a neat and spiffy car when new.
Owner told my buddy the trans went out so he parked it. When he pulled the engine and trans he said the case was split almost into.
Has the fate of this car been decided for sure? I am helping my bonus son put a 68 Sport Fury fastop back together and we are missing some of the pieces that I can see this car has. They are all oddball parts I can't seem to find replacements for, like the clips that hold the top molding down on the driver's door and the chrome strip on the back of the driver's door glass. I saw the glass is broken, but our glass is good. Just missing the chrome strip. If you would be willing to sell these items, please let me know. I know there are other things, but the car isn't close by right now to look
Are you parting the car out? I am doing a 1968 Fury convertible and it looks like there are a few parts on that car that I could use.
I'm still looking for a bunch of small, random parts. Trim clips, and the chrome strip from the back of the driver's door glass, if you have it.