Hi Ross and DasBoot,
Both your advice is well heeded. After investigating further with these comments (and both are correct) I have taken another route. Hopefully I remember to take pictures but what I have decided to do, and started is 1) to cut the protrusion off the shift collar and 2)welded the shift shaft to the "1" or lowest position on the column. Shift collar is now solid. Will be cleaning and lubing internals as best I can. Then sealing cut-out for shift lever with aluminum filler weld, sand whole unit, fill where necessary, prime and paint. So far, looks easier than anticipated. If anybody knows how they painted these columns, would be interesting. The collar behind the steering wheel is steel. Shifter column is aluminum. On the unit I have, you cannot scratch either. What and how did they apply the paint to be almost indestructible?
Thanks again.