For Sale 1969-1971 Chrysler New Yorkers (not mine)

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Old Man with a Hat
Aug 15, 2011
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Apparently I live in the wrong side of the country.. LOTS of sweet looking cars up for sale out there.. I’ve missed out on a few because Of the distance and shipping cost. I know! I know! “If you really wanted it”... save it.
I never liked the ’69 - it always seemed to me a half-hearted attempt designwise (must be the two-part rear bumper, if nothing else), but that emerald green 4d hardtop sure is presented nicely.
Apparently I live in the wrong side of the country.. LOTS of sweet looking cars up for sale out there.. I’ve missed out on a few because Of the distance and shipping cost. I know! I know! “If you really wanted it”... save it.
It would be a nice drive back in the summer. That open road and that power under the hood! I have taken my Land Yacht on many of those trips across the country and the only problem was they ended! There were times, I just wanted to keep driving, the road was straight, the sun was out and the music was on! No better feeling!
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