1969 chrysler 300 conv convertible - $3600

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Old Man with a Hat
Oct 2, 2011
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South Jersey (USA)
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*not mine*

440 4v. runs great. all power windows work as well as the top. Has disc brakes. solid straight body. Shows 61,000 miles. Have driven it down the street and it drives good. been sitting in a warehouse since 1979. Will need to be serviced before driving any distance. . no texts, no trades, no payments. phone 6one9 4eight 1 294O


1969 Chrysler 300 convrt 75.jpg

Yet another 69' 300 vert' survivor....

1969 Chrysler 300 convrt 75.jpg
A good survivor vert. Needs a lot of work. I bet the top will have to be replaced too. Nice project car.
It seems like out of all the old fuselage cars that are still around today, the 69' 300 verts are the most numerous....which seems odd.
It seems like out of all the old fuselage cars that are still around today, the 69' 300 verts are the most numerous....which seems odd.

I agree, the 70 300 convertibles are hanging in with a close second.

I like this car, it doesnt appear to need that much Bob. The solid body is what I'd be looking at most
I would be inclined to have a look at that one if it was nearby.
I agree, the 70 300 convertibles are hanging in with a close second.

I like this car, it doesnt appear to need that much Bob. The solid body is what I'd be looking at most

I agree the body is sound. Most of the other stuff needed can be found relatively easy. I think it'll be quite costly with the interior, paint, probably a new top, and we haven't seen what is needed under the hood yet.
Backseat looks nice, but in my experience they usually do. The front seats can be torn all to hell and the backseats will be spotless. The rear bumper looks like it took a hit on the extreme left side.

Great potential......

This car looks really close to the condition of my 69 300 convertible when I bought it, and comparable in price.

If the body is in good shape then I think it would be a real bargain for someone who's good with their hands.

Needs paint, which means the chrome and trim will need to be upgraded, Needed interior work... Front seat covers, carpet, door panels look to need some attention, ...I would presume a top and boot. And a whole bunch of detailing.... All this would result in a very high quality convertible.

Invest another $5-7K and keep your head above water and enjoy a great car.
How much work is needed under the hood. He says it needs work which if it just needs a complete tuneup is ok. Major engine, txsm, radiator, A/C problems could add $$$ to this project.
Good advise

The body is the money part, a good body will save thousands and headaches

Very true...... My 69 wasen't as good as I had hoped for, still not to bad though. I ended up investing almost $2000.00 to make it right.
This 300 is in southern California which really adds to the likelyness of a nice body.
Scared of convertibles?

Yeah, potential for leaks. I wouldn't want to have to deal with that sort of headache. There was another 69' 300 vert for sale out in Lancaster PA a few months ago. It has leaks and looked like it ruined the entire rear seat -- the owner tried to cover it with some type of "slip cover", but even that had water stains.
Topless crusing

Yeah, potential for leaks.

Now thats just silly..... I have had convertibles off and on since the 70's.... Love them..! The only leak issues I have ever had, (with the top up), was at the front header when driving in a hard rain. An easy fix.

Ruined interiors and rusty floors come from outside storage with a ragged top.... Hardtops don't leak.....? How come their floors rust out....?

Drive a convertible for awile and you'll soon experience a completely different level of automotive pleasures. The benefits of enjoying a convertible far out weigh a few leaks. From the obvious sun and wind in your hair, (No offence to the bald guys), to a whole new level of attention from young and old alike. People smile.... wave.... ask about the car... You can sense the envy as you drive off.
There are also rules for convertibles that don't pertain to closed cars. Never leave loose papers, magazines or important items in the car.... They will dissapear..! (Although every leaf in the state will blow in). Always carry towels.... To cover the seats so you don't blister yourself when leaving the car parked in the sun.... And to dry yourself off when you get wet. (This will happen, it's just part of the experience). Also carry a lap robe for passengers in the back. A hot sunny day that turns into a cool evening is no reason to put the top up. Wide brim hats and sunscreen are manditory also.
Not everyone is a convertible person, but those who own them know what i'm sayin.... Just smile and wave.
Yeah, potential for leaks.

Now thats just silly..... I have had convertibles off and on since the 70's.... Love them..! The only leak issues I have ever had, (with the top up), was at the front header when driving in a hard rain. An easy fix.

Ruined interiors and rusty floors come from outside storage with a ragged top.... Hardtops don't leak.....? How come their floors rust out....?

Drive a convertible for awile and you'll soon experience a completely different level of automotive pleasures. The benefits of enjoying a convertible far out weigh a few leaks. From the obvious sun and wind in your hair, (No offence to the bald guys), to a whole new level of attention from young and old alike. People smile.... wave.... ask about the car... You can sense the envy as you drive off.
There are also rules for convertibles that don't pertain to closed cars. Never leave loose papers, magazines or important items in the car.... They will dissapear..! (Although every leaf in the state will blow in). Always carry towels.... To cover the seats so you don't blister yourself when leaving the car parked in the sun.... And to dry yourself off when you get wet. (This will happen, it's just part of the experience). Also carry a lap robe for passengers in the back. A hot sunny day that turns into a cool evening is no reason to put the top up. Wide brim hats and sunscreen are manditory also.
Not everyone is a convertible person, but those who own them know what i'm sayin.... Just smile and wave.

I would love to own a convertible for all the reasons you list and more, esp. for the "cool" factor, BUT I have friends with convertibles (3 - all mopar) and 1 family member (brand x) that leak or leaked at some point and in different amounts. No amount of water belongs inside the car at anytime. I just don't want the potential hassle it can cause. Typically with old Chryslers/mopars there are usually other headaches going on (you all know this very well) and I don't want wet interior on top of that. This is not to take away in luster from those who have convertibles, god bless them, but I just don't want to have to deal with it.....and if it can happen...eventually......it will.
I'm confident that a $200 (when on sale) Ironshield Car Cover from carcovers.com on a leaking vert will keep 100% of any water out of the car year round if the only alternative is parking the vert outside. I've had that cover on my NY'er through several Northeaster's and it didn't rip and the the car stayed dry. I never had a vert but I would like to have one way down the road.
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