I had a convert for a few years in the mid-90s - not a C-body but a very nice '64 Buick Skylark. There are definite pros and cons to owning one.
The pros: Nothing more cool than driving around with the top down on a nice day. Even better if you get warm nights. My favorite times were on the relatively few nights it was warm enough to keep the top down after dark. Those drives were fabulous. Also, with the top down, you generally do not hear the little rattles and buzzes that can drive you crazy.
The cons: Far more numerous. Cowl shake is something you soon learn to live with, as it is tough to make any convertible as rigid as a closed car. They are generally pretty flexible. You also smell every other car that has a problem and wonder if that is yours. Up here, there were precious few days every summer that you could comfortable drive with the top down. Yes, there is a heater, but the wind rapidly makes it useless. Some ladies hated driving in it because it messed up their hair. You had to put the top up every time you parked and left it in a place you didn't trust or could not keep an eye on it. Driving one with the top up rapidly causes it to lose its charm - noisy, drafty, and those rattles you couldn't hear with the top down come back with a vengeance. And finally, rain.
Yes, it looked really cool. But I'm glad I got the convertible bug out of my system.