1969 Plymouth Fury no 12v in car


New Member
Nov 9, 2024
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Hi Guys I am new on this forum, just bought a 1969 Fury (imported from CA). I am busy for a few days trying to solve following problem. The car won’t start, i do not have electricity in my car.
Checked and replaced battery, startermotor, alternator. Also cables look good. Car will start by connecting two poles on starting relais so I think under the hood is fine. But in the car nothing works, no headlights, horn, no starting is possible. I have checked the connections on the firewall, seems 12V is going in there, but in the car nothing works. Any ideas?
Check and clean your bulkhead connections. They are below the brake booster and towards the driver’s side on the firewall. This is where the voltage comes through the firewall to the fuse panel.
power comes in one side of the fuse box, goes through the ammeter and to the other side of the fuse box. if you only have power on one side of the fuse box it is probably the ammeter or the connections at it.