1970 300 Power Seat Switch


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Surrey BC
I have found my power seat switch is draining my battery over a day or so. It seems like the middle switch is not going back to the "neutral position". I am in an area with a lot of new homes being built and I think the trucks going by, shakes the car and the power seat tries to move and then stops. What I know, is if I disconnect the seat for 2 weeks, the battery is OK, if I leave it connected for 2 days, the battery is dead!
How do you take the switch apart or get a new one?
Well I got the unit apart and back in except for the middle section, which either was broken or I broke. I believe the switch is a NU523 Front Seat Control Switch. There were 3 sections, which each held a switch. The sections were like a ice cube shape with clips on them. The middle one fall apart into 4 sections, so now I am looking for a new unit, a used unit or a non working unit that the plastic case is OK.
I can't help you directly but those switches pop up on eBay every now and again.

Good luck.