Ms. Moon is one of the two folkz I spoke of Rusty. I probably know the Bob you speak of too but theirz almost 1000 members world wide and quite ah few Bob's in the group and no doubt I've not met them all. You have to be somewhere deep into a 2 day Haulin' A** Bonzai run from Carlisle. Too bad you're so far from there. Gloria will be there the 2nd weekend of July For Chryslers at Carlisle and sharing her Coorz with everyone she knowz 'til see runs out which most of the faithful under that 300 canopy never seam to, lol. BTW, She iz also the keeper of ALL the registries on ALL the 300 Letter Carz INCLUDING the 300 Hurst. That information iz available ONLY to 300 Club members tho', Jer
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