1970 Chrysler 300

Derek Myers

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Dec 1, 2019
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I need to know what clips/fasteners are used to hold the lower rocker moldings on my 1970 300. I have the trim, i just don't know what clips/fasteners to use. Can someone please help me? The trim pieces run along the lower rockers between the front and Rear wheel wells. Thank you in advance. (Photo is not of my car, photo to show trim only)

Those are tough to come by and (last I looked) aren't reproduced. I had to reuse the ones I had and find some used ones here and there. Best bet is to not break the old ones getting them off.

The ones for the front and rear trim are also used on some Cordobas, so they might be a little easier to find. I located a few NOS and reused what I had.

Best bet is to grab the part number from the Parts Manual and start searching using that. Grab a parts manual here: MyMopar - Mopar Forums & Information - Parts & Accessories Books

@Zymurgy might be able to cast some up too.
The chrome (aluminum) trim look like the same as those used on 79 Chrysler 300s. Might check out those...
And, in addition to this question, how to remove the lower rocker mouldings without breaking the clips!
In my past experience working on other cars, to remove the rocker trim, first remove screws, if any, then push up on the trim piece, and carefully pull away from the clips along the top edge at the same time. For installation, hook the bottom edge first, push up on trim, and hook the top edge on the clips. Good luck!
And, in addition to this question, how to remove the lower rocker mouldings without breaking the clips!Take rews out from the bottom of the rocker
And, in addition to this question, how to remove the lower rocker mouldings without breaking the clips!
Remove the screws from the bottom of the molding, tilt out a bit and push up carerfully.Go slow in removing as they have a buildup of crud behind them.
