1970 Dodge Polara Convertible

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Fred, will you please use your charm and do a follow up on this car? Many many years ago, I think before I knew you there was a fellow named Paul with a 70 Polara convertible in Canada, "green" with a bench seat (that looks gold to me though). I saw one photo of the car and I dont have it.....

Looking back through an old book of notes it was in June of 01. He wanted $5,500 for it. I have it listed as(which is what the ad said) Triple green, 440, solid car bench seat p/s p/b 104,000 miles

It looks like I met you in September of 01.
Tempting, but I don't need another one. And another thing, that garage is way too empty.:happy7::happy7:
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Yes you do and yes it is

But it's GREEN!!!!!!! :kermit:It's about a 4 hour drive from me. Would be nice, but where am I gonna put it?? The 300 is taking up the garage, and I really need to finish it.


Maybe I should keep the info and see what happens in the spring.:shruggy:
Fred, will you please use your charm and do a follow up on this car? ...
It looks like I met you in September of 01.

September of 01 sounds about right. That's when I dragged home Nessie as a project. I called the # twice, no answer and left a message.
Thanks Fred, I knew you'd be on it. Sept 01' is the year I have written down in the "old book of notes".
Hey, its our ten year anniversary..........:congratualtions:
Yeah, I want them all. That car is not an original 440 car though........the money spent on that could be better spent on the one in the garage.
I like the vert in the garage. Hey, that's a huge garage!
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