1970 Dodge Polara convertible

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Matt, I see your point but dont get it. Knowing about what he paid for the car years ago and doing that paint job and nothing to the interior, and he wants that much cash for it ? Now he wants to sell?ssomeone is going to be upside down when they say i'll take it ...leave the original engine in there and sell it for what its worth
I am just very suspicious as to why someone would swap a 383 out for a 413. I don't care about the physical size or anything that's not the point. There's nothing wrong with the 413 and if someone gave me one I would damn sure take it. It just you don't see many people doing 383/413 swaps in a 70's type NON-hp mopars (a Polara convertible in this case). Its "oddball" and in my experience "oddball" cars 8 times out 10 end up to nothing good...that's why its up for sale. Call it a 6th sense I guess...served me well in the past. Anyways, its my humble opinion.....and best of all it ain't my money.
Do we know what he wants for this car? I expect this is one of those cars that would be a real cash hog - it looks good enough to spend too much to purchase and then you would end up re-doing everything and then some to fix everything the guy screwed up.
Six? You thinnk? I was thinking he'll get four at best and that is without someone knowing what rust is.
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