1970 grand fury

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He told me it was parked there now for about a year I don't know how the trunk is but when I looked at the car today the back window was the only rust I saw and that's an east fix especially since its under the Vinyl top the car is just south ofPhiladelphia

In the worst case; fix the roof with fiberglas so it doesn't leak as much anymore and just drive it as it is
yes, that is true.
Just wanted to say in some cases it is simply not worth it to fix it correctly. But instead of letting it get worse fit it with fiberglas and drive as is
Ugh, can't drive it as is. If someone buys that I do hope they fix it properly. Deserves better than that.
I'm not a big fan of the orange when its that dark.
I'm not a big fan of the orange when its that dark.


but the colour of the Fury isn't FK5 (dark burnt orange) to be fair. It is FT8 Walnut Ird which was an Imperial only colour till it got offered on the Gran Furys with Paisley, too
He told me it was parked there now for about a year I don't know how the trunk is but when I looked at the car today the back window was the only rust I saw and that's an east fix especially since its under the Vinyl top the car is just south ofPhiladelphia
gotta be rust in the trunk too with the rain getting in
I wouldn't think of trying to save this car with the gaping holes around the rear windows. The rest of the car that we can't see in the pictures has to be rusted out.
breaks my heart to see it languishing there. South Philadelphia is right over the bridge....sooo tempted to go and have a look. Nah, I'd get there and start thinking of ways to cough up 1500 bucks and then just get myself in trouble.
You guys obvisly have never worked on restoring these old cars even if the trunk floor is totally gone it is about 20 hrs labor to cut it out and replace it and the area around the window is even less than that $200 for a new top and paint and the body is nice again and no mopar should have to face being scraped so it looks like there is a lot of people here that really don't care about these old cars like I do
I care but only a skilled welder and sheet metal fabricator can do a trunk floor well. It's not a quarter panel hole repair.
I'm stupid enough to tackle anything but an entire trunk floor dun-rite is scary to me.
And truthfully, I don't think you can find a reputable "collision shop" that would take the job. And a lot of resto shops, I wouldn't trust.
A quality resto shop would charge $75/hr. up. That's 2 grand on just the trunk floor and if the trunk floor is shot, the rest of the rust will bankrupt a lot of people.
So maybe 1 out of 25 of us should and would tackle it. The other 24 obviously aren't worthy then...

it looks like there is a lot of people here that really don't care about these old cars like I do

Please rethink how you worded your reply.
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While I share your sentiment anyone restoring this car will take a financial bath. There is just not enough of us out there to take care of these projects.
The roof rust is repairable...my 74 Coupe had a lot of rust under to top. I just cut it out and welded in patches...just a matter of time and know how. Do they make reproduction paisley vinyl tops for these?
The roof rust is repairable...my 74 Coupe had a lot of rust under to top. I just cut it out and welded in patches...just a matter of time and know how. Do they make reproduction paisley vinyl tops for these?
This top was black and that's very easy to get made lots of sources for that
I care but only a skilled welder and sheet metal fabricator can do a trunk floor well. It's not a quarter panel hole repair.
I'm stupid enough to tackle anything but an entire trunk floor dun-rite is scary to me.
And truthfully, I don't think you can find a reputable "collision shop" that would take the job. And a lot of resto shops, I wouldn't trust.
A quality resto shop would charge $75/hr. up. That's 2 grand on just the trunk floor and if the trunk floor is shot, the rest of the rust will bankrupt a lot of people.
So maybe 1 out of 25 of us should and would tackle it. The other 24 obviously aren't worthy then...

I have replaced a lot of trunks in A and B body cars it is not that bad a job and if they don't make a pre fabed one its very easy to fab them you would only need a donor from any of the aftermarket B body ones so you could get the tire tub
Can you get some pictures of the trunk, just trying to get an idea of what it needs back there. Do you have fork extentions for the forklift in backround and just set it on my flatbed ill get a load headed that way next week can I get near the area with a tractor trailer. P.M. me with phone # or someone to talk to.
If it were closer and A little cheaper, I probably would buy my next project, To me I've done it once, once more ain't gonna hurt, I'm just getting good, and I do like the Bulge hood of '70-'71's.

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