NOT MINE 1971 Dodge Polara Police







not dissin', just observin'.

may not be much here other than cop parts. we only see what's shown (worry about underside condition obviously) and there's a few things that could be refurbed/put to use in a better "can" as seller says

so, however, if that supposition is true, the asking price is a bit tall. seller observes he's testing the market.

hope somebody can put the pieces to good use.
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Hi I'm calling on behalf of the mice nest.
Mice Nest?
Oh and if you could stay on the line for a quick survey?

Marked as „sold“...that was fast for that much of rust.

Though, I would have been interested, too, IF this car was at another price-level and IF my container had not left the US meanwhile.

Wrong timing, as so often...or luck ;-)
Ive never heard of a Dodge Polara Interceptor, must be a rare model.
Its Powertrain has been pilfered and the rest is being sold as parts - 1971 Dodge Polara - $1,500 - Waterford, Wisconsin
FB Description

This is a 71 police car For parts whit title no drive train just body end interior parts let know what your are interested in thanks
176342548_2904605933135135_6065423077479467264_n.jpg thinks Wyatt or Manny has been looking at this one.....
Trevor, thanks for supplying update on this cars „for sale-history“.

Man, what a shame to see a car that was at least COMPLETE getting raped and ripped and stolen of its drivetrain.

Same what happened to mine and many if not most of them :-(((

Thought we would have reached the times where wisdom has grown so much that it is now a sacrileg to part a complete car that is VERY SPECIAL.

BTW: rustwise it is much worse than my AZ-PK41, but I think we have seen far worse here and it seems still safeable to me.

If my container had not left the country, I would have bought it quite „spot on“ when it was for sale as a complete car...ok, with some $$$ negotiation, but I am sure we would have found together.

Now I could use only its bench seats and door panels and am astonished how good they look: yes, need a deep cleaning, but are NOT ripped.
Its Powertrain has been pilfered and the rest is being sold as parts - 1971 Dodge Polara - $1,500 - Waterford, Wisconsin
FB Description

This is a 71 police car For parts whit title no drive train just body end interior parts let know what your are interested in thanks
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Another tag of proof to J Godshall that the E86 U was available in the Polara in 71.
i considered it for 21 seconds ...$2500 as is for parts only :)

hope pieces or more of it maybe, get to live on in a running car one of these days.

powertrain was worth more than $1000 to me. my judgement was rest wasnt easily saveable - it appeared, body condition-wise, to be a parts car for another cop rig with "better bones"

feels like $1,500 is too tall for what's left of it. might be the end of the line for this one :(
Another tag of proof to J Godshall that the E86 U was available in the Polara in 71.

don't know who that person is (not dissin' 'em either) ... but those of us have/had these cars know for sure U codes were in 'em for 1971 and until they (Polara models) went EOP as cop rigs after 1973.
don't know who that person is (not dissin' 'em either) ... but those of us have/had these cars know for sure U codes were in 'em for 1971 and until they (Polara models) went EOP as cop rigs after 1973.

Ray, the author ( Jeff Godshall ) of the Fuselage story in the magazine in the photo proclaimed no U code engines available in the Polara in 71. It gnaws at me to this day. He had several mis-truths in the article.
That is Fratzog Fred's polara on the cover.