For Sale 1971 Monterey 24K Stan?

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Green on green on green. YES PLEASE!!! Those big Mercs don't get enough love. I like it..
I wasn't necessarily thinking automotive, more "life experiences"... how much of a role WWII gen still played, stuff like that.

Automotive 1992? Hmm, Iacocca still running Chrysler Corporation, Viper debuts, probably a few other things.

Specific car-wise? 1989, last RWD V8 mopar. Had a bunch of 5th ave's, not as huge but still enjoyed them. Plus a few cars after 1980 that I wouldn't kick otta my garage.
You always interest me with the way you think/relate to this car stuff. I like your perspective even though it is often very different from my own... Thank you.
Why would anyone want to buy that ungainly looking turd when you could have a stylish fuselage car? Maybe that is why I hardly even remember that particular model. It looks heavy and ponderous and the front end styling is just boring. No wonder it has low miles on it!
Just because you can pretend you are Hawaii 5-0 and sit at red lights with that old phone in your ear when a carload of 20 something girls all on their smart phones pulls up, wave to them and they will have something to Facebook all their friends who are sitting in the car with them.:poke:
Those Merc's come with a carload of 20 something year old hotties??? LOL!
It would take me three just to recover... and what 20 something even would know the TV show we are talking about? They would likely just be confused and think "you're off your meds old man".
... and what 20 something even would know the TV show we are talking about? They would likely just be confused and think "you're off your meds old man".

They would just connect that to the remake that's been on for a few years now.
They would just connect that to the remake that's been on for a few years now.

I never paid it much attention... they use 70's cars??? For that I would have to watch.
They did have the original '74 Marquis from the original show though on and off.
Another cool thing is that Ed Asner who was on the original show as August March did a couple of episodes on the new series as well.



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