For Sale 1971 New Yorker in Tampa, FL (2dr, triple gunmetal, red stripes)

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It will be calling Charleston S.C. It’s new home. I’ll miss it.
Thanks to all that contributed to the discussion. Props to Ayilar!!
I don't know of any mold you can say that for.

Well in the search I did they showed a picture of that cheese that the well-to-do desire (or is it the French) that has the mold, upon viewing that I quickly conclude my search, lets just say I don't have a high brow palate.:stop::eek:

Sold! The auction closed at $4.5k. Let's hope the buyer brings her back to her former glory, and we get to see more of this car.

Wow! That's a great price. Someone really wanted it. I hope we see more of it too!

Well in the search I did they showed a picture of that cheese that the well-to-do desire (or is it the French) that has the mold, upon viewing that I quickly conclude my search, lets just say I don't have a high brow palate.:stop::eek:


Yeah, don't eat that stuff.
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