1972 Chrysler Newport Custom Interior Color name?


New Member
Nov 20, 2024
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Hi All,

My Newport interior color code is Y5 Gold, does it equivalent with the Chrysler Mystic Gold Y5 interior color? I want to buy an aerosol can to do some painting, but hard to understand is it a same color or not. Does anybody have any knowledge or experience?

The color and code might be the same, but the actual paint itself might not be the exact same. Reason? It depends upon where the paint is located. To decrease sunlight reflections, the interior paint will not be as shiny as the exterior paint is. A more satiny or flatter sheen, to lessen such distracting reflections.

As to paint/color "names" and "codes", the "names" can vary from carline to carline, although the paint "code designation" is the same. The "Library" at www.hamtramck-historical.com has that information. In Color and Trim Guides for each model year, which can also have some Chip Charts for the exterior colors in the spreadsheet list.

If you were buying a US quart of paint, it could be hand-matched "to color" or a formula be made per a computerized spectrometer match and tint. Then the necessary additive components to dull the normal gloss to what is needed for the interior paint. Might find something you can use at www.TCPGlobal.com, but not sure about shipping to your location?

Might network with the operatives at www.bbtr.de for ideas or sources in your part of the world.

Hope this might help,

Just some thoughts and observations,