Decoding 69 Newport Custom's Tag


New Member
Mar 11, 2021
Reaction score
Ludington, MI
I get to play this game now too!! I'm actually pretty excited!
My 1969 Chrysler Newport Custom was my first car in HS back in the late 90s. The frame on it was shot by the late 00s, so I had it stored away, hoping I could do something with it some day. This past year we were able to pick up a 1970 that needs some TLC, so we stripped the 69 down, saved what we could (which was a lot of the trim and interior!) and this spring/summer I want to spruce the 70 up and "clone" my 69 as much as I can :)
I was able to get in and grab my 69's tag off the radiator support. I punched it in to the best of my ability, Here, but I have some weirdness on the second line from the bottom; there's two F5 codes in a row, and nothing seems to line up with both F5s. From what I can tell, F5 is a color code, an avocado color. That jives with the 69's color pallette. I want to be sure I can match as much of the details up for my work on the 70.
EDIT: Seems I couldn't read to upload; so the first pic now is the 69's tag, the second (unintentionally added) is the 70's tag.


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TWO places you can look
1 -- Download the Chrysler Parts Book at and look in the front section where it mentions VIN decodes and such.

2 -- Click on "Library" and follow the menu to the 1969 Chrysler Order Guide section. Near the back of the order guide pages will be the option codes available.

Might need to manually input those addresses if the link does not work.

Take care,
F5 is Avacado Metallic in 69.

If I am correct, I believe reading left to right second line up the first F5 on the left is the Bottom color of the car, the second F5 is the Top of the car and the third F5 is the Interior door top color.
All Avacado Metallic.
L3G Dark green Cloth and vinyl and full interior
V78 being accent stripe delete

I'm not as familiar with the 69 codes so I'm wondering if what I wrote needs a correction.
I get to play this game now too!! I'm actually pretty excited!
My 1969 Chrysler Newport Custom was my first car in HS back in the late 90s. The frame on it was shot by the late 00s, so I had it stored away, hoping I could do something with it some day. This past year we were able to pick up a 1970 that needs some TLC, so we stripped the 69 down, saved what we could (which was a lot of the trim and interior!) and this spring/summer I want to spruce the 70 up and "clone" my 69 as much as I can :)
I was able to get in and grab my 69's tag off the radiator support. I punched it in to the best of my ability, Here, but I have some weirdness on the second line from the bottom; there's two F5 codes in a row, and nothing seems to line up with both F5s. From what I can tell, F5 is a color code, an avocado color. That jives with the 69's color pallette. I want to be sure I can match as much of the details up for my work on the 70.
EDIT: Seems I couldn't read to upload; so the first pic now is the 69's tag, the second (unintentionally added) is the 70's tag.

View attachment 654268

View attachment 654267
See here:
F5 is Avacado Metallic in 69.

If I am correct, I believe reading left to right second line up the first F5 on the left is the Bottom color of the car, the second F5 is the Top of the car and the third F5 is the Interior door top color.
All Avacado Metallic.
L3G Dark green Cloth and vinyl and full interior
V78 being accent stripe delete

I'm not as familiar with the 69 codes so I'm wondering if what I wrote needs a correction.
I've been able to determine what a lot of the codes translate to (IE F5 = the Avocado) but what that double F5 meant was throwing me, and none of the scriptable decoders seemed to make sense of it either, it didn't seem to want to line up anywhere. Two Avocado color codes, but why?? But that arrangement makes sense; she's ALL Avocado, top to bottom, with the green cloth interior.
Thanks for the input!!

EDIT: A little more reading around today and it looks like since the 69 lacked the vinyl top, the second code is indeed for the top of the car! The 70 DID ship with a vinyl top, and has one color code for the exterior, hence the difference in the two it would seem :)
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