NOT MINE 1972 Newport $800 New Orleans, LA

68 4spd Fury

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Aug 17, 2014
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Syracuse, NY
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If this is real it doesn't look bad. When I saw it previously it said it needed a rear main seal and something else I don't remember, maybe a PS leak? 1736873105742.png

Derby guys ! First 800 dollars
can have it!
Car Does Not run currently
1972 Chrysler Newport Custom /big Block 400
Pillard Sedan
Interior/exterior 8/10
Mechanics 1/10
Old white peoples please refrain from being racist and allow me to sell my car
Old white guys stop telling what I should do and calling me scam
If can’t afford the car keep you opinions to yourself
Guy sound like a grade-A jagoff.
For sale New Orleans?
Plates say California.
Calling people old and white isn't racist at all?

I told the guy to put a sledgehammer thru the windshield to show us he is serious.
Its probably saved. Neat car.

Seller was definitely a perpetual victim and being a racist POS.
Why would he scrap a car for a leaking seal? The whole thing seems odd. It's way too nice a car to demo derby, but of course that doesn't stop the derby guys :eek:
The entire deal seems weird to me, making me wonder if it was a joke. If it wasn't, I'm glad it got saved, and hope the buyer does right by the car.
Guy sound like a grade-A jagoff.
For sale New Orleans?
Plates say California.
Have a GTO in Arizona, bought in California four years ago with plate that says 1966GTO. No plate required here in Arizona so my car has a California plate in front! Hmmmmm!
There is a political forum for that.

This has nothing to do with Politics? It has to do with the car and the sellers attitude.

Oh dear boys.


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IPA guide
Don’t take a facetious comment seriously because it’s supposed to be funny. Anything facetious is a joke. If you've just won a hotdog-eating contest and someone asks if you'd like to go out for burgers, they’re probably being facetious.
If you forget how to spell facetious, notice that it has all five vowels in a row. The word facetious comes from the French facétie, “joke,” and it has come to describe a joke with a little drop of sarcasm. It used to simply mean “funny and witty,” but now it often implies that someone is being inappropriately funny about a serious topic.
Now, Yal Cracka's just knock it off.

That's why he/she/IT was all mad in the first place, cracka's wit opinions.
Did anyone get more pictures of the car? Or any other info?

If it was in Orleans for an extended period of time I would worry about a little rust but if it came from ole Cali recently, maybe not.
This joker wants just 800 bucks for this car and WERE the problem? Dude, check with some supposed racist old white guy, and find out the car is worth maybe 5 grand or more? Or, be a dumbass.