New Member
I can't believe you guys found the Ad from months ago! Yes I saw its potential, took the risk and look at it today. I am not one to kiss and tell, but I got it for less than what it was posted for and I have more that 120 hours of love in it and $600 spent in parts. Well my feeling it really worth $12k. Call me at 972-207-1115 and we can talk about a fair price off line.
The C-body world is a small world indeed.
So, B-rad. Talk to me.
How much did he end up selling it to you for with Bill of Sale.
How much did you sink into it with receipts.
What would you like for a fair and reasonable profit.
Or would you like to do this off-line?
I'm breaking knuckles right now and bleeding like a stuck pig right now but I will get back to you if you care to respond.
After all, I did say before: