Got it!! It wasn't exactly the part pointed to above. But close. According to the diagram (thank you Boydsdodge) the offending part is number is 21. My guess is the pivot hole has deformed. When I open the gate far enough, I hear a pop and can see it shift. In order to close it, I have to help it with a screwdriver just a little and then it pivots ok. Here is a pic. I did film it but don't know how to upload a video. I was so stuck and frustrated. Hope this help the next guy... Can we post videos? 23 seconds long...
Can someone please verify if #23 is correct? It looks like the wear is on the correct side but of course if it's been wrong all along.. I do believe I've had it open this far before. Maybe the paint shop stressed it? I'm just happy to be past this just in time for the street sweeper!
Can someone please verify if #23 is correct? It looks like the wear is on the correct side but of course if it's been wrong all along.. I do believe I've had it open this far before. Maybe the paint shop stressed it? I'm just happy to be past this just in time for the street sweeper!