Even my decrepit a**

is more where
@71Polara383 &
@Big_John are as to saveability. Unless this one after you get into it, you start finding other stuff (e.g., if the water in the driver floor is NOT coming from where we think?

I aint a player here at any price, but this one appears mechanically salvageable with reasonable effort in skilled hands.
TO ME, this one may fail
MY personal "acquisition cost vs investment (to make a driver) ratio". My formula for 40 years, right or wrong. I have violated it, but try not to.
Example I like that ratio to be equal/less than about
0.25 (meaning agreed upon price plus transport divided by driver quality investment level equals .25 or less.
I am cool with whatever sellers want, and what I wanna do after I buy is none of their concern (I dont beat them down cuz of what I wanna do after i buy). If we (me and seller) dont agree, cool, we just respectfully move on to the next deal.
So, TO ME, a watcher not a player here, for THIS one I'd pay $2,500 to put a roof over its head for a decade, and UP TO $10,000 in body/mechanicals to make a nice driver, and turn the detailers (my low-skilled guys/gals who work for pizzas) loose on it to clean it up.
Is it worth more/less than $2,500 as it sits? Dunno, dont care. Thats my come-to-the-party/go-home-without-it number, all things considered - if I were a player and again I am NOT.
I DO hope it finds a good home in any event.