I respectfully disagree, for example, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a cop in N.Y... If it's not the local town cops, it's the sheriff, if not them it's the troopers. All creeping around in dark colored cars. I watch what I'm doing, keep my cars in snuff, don't drive drunk, I just don't need to be hassled every time I turn a corner by some guy or checkpoint, who wants to make a name for himself. Leave me alone! They are there to protect and serve, not hassle. Your taxes fund them anyway, and for every ticket they write the town gets a kick back, and who knows if they get one too, nothing but a money making scam. It's a self serving circle, the more they write, the more they think they can justify their existence and the more they "Need". If you could see them like in the old days, people would be way more aware of what they are doing, not get caught after the fact! Most people drive like retards all the time and only get pinched by these under cover cops once or twice in a lifetime. If you could see them, the first thing you look at is your speedometer and say "whoa better slow down" or buckle up or put the phone down. Too late after you get pinched. They should have a preventative attitude by being seen and not a reactive one. They would only need half of what they have on the force if they did that, and your taxes would be cheaper. Imho.