As I've written elsewhere on the board, I have a 318 Poly in my 66 Polara. This was the "economy" model and came with a 2BBL setup. I've had the car for 10 years and at some point I became obsessed with converting to a 4BBL carb. I searched and searched for the elusive Weiand intake and the best I could come up with was an original cast iron manifold for the single 4BBL carb. These are relatively rare, you tend to see more of the dual 4BBL cast iron manifolds out there. This one had been sandblasted and primed. Other problems on the car as well as real life intruded prevented me from doing the conversion. Now that life is back to normal and car is running well, I'm thinking about it again.
Any tips, suggestions, watch outs? The one thing I'm worried about is clearance with the hood. I get the impression that the 4BBL carbs are taller than the 2BBL and my air cleaner already is touching the hood insulation.
Or should I just sell the damned thing?
Any tips, suggestions, watch outs? The one thing I'm worried about is clearance with the hood. I get the impression that the 4BBL carbs are taller than the 2BBL and my air cleaner already is touching the hood insulation.
Or should I just sell the damned thing?