344 Murders in Baltimore in 2015

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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Well the year ended with 344 murders in Baltimore for 2015. One of the deadliest cities in the world. Just senseless and just plain unacceptable! Here's the official list and a map. As you can see there isn't one damn safe area of Baltimore. Look at all of the murders that have police surveillance cameras and they still can't catch the killers. A lot of unsolved murders. Yep, Freddie Gray is in there too.

Miscellaneous Posts: 2015 Baltimore City Homicides/Murders - List and Map
President Obama will press ahead with a set of executive actions on guns next week despite growing concerns in the U.S. over terrorism that have dampened some Americans’ enthusiasm for tighter firearms restrictions, according to several individuals briefed on the matter.
The DICKtator is at it again. If a lot of gun control doesn't work, more gun control must be better ! :confused:
The DICKtator is at it again. If a lot of gun control doesn't work, more gun control must be better ! :confused:

Of course! It's worked so many times in the past, it must work this time too!
And they wonder why tourism has dropped off to a trickle in Charm City....
Have they had the first of the year yet? If not they still have an hour and a half left to make it under the wire.
Ok,, so then move to Chicago...
There was only 483 murders in 2015...

Population of Chicago 2.719 million....Population of Baltimore 622,104.

Chicago is 4 or 5 times safer than Baltimore with these stats.
Fine !! so you got me on that minor technicality ... :)

Lake Havasu or Pueblo is looking better and better all the time......
And they wonder why tourism has dropped off to a trickle in Charm City....
I always thought it would be nice to see a ball game at Camden yards.... but recently I'm thinking twice. Unless I was able to carry my .45. But they won't let good citizens carry guns. You have to be a crook to carry.
What percentage of the victims knew the shooter or were involved in illegal activity themselves?

We have a decent number of murders here in Columbus but it's almost always drug related.
Mostly black men age 20-39.

I always thought it would be nice to see a ball game at Camden yards.... but recently I'm thinking twice. Unless I was able to carry my .45. But they won't let good citizens carry guns. You have to be a crook to carry.

It's pretty safe during daylight hours. Also the B&O Railroad Museum is a block or 2 away from Camden Yards, so is the Inner Harbor...all worth visiting.