Baltimore is Burning II

72 Fury. Did you ever deliver to ANY of what used to be the big 3 in Southeast Michigan? Those dock workerz still think it'z 1975 and you WILL dance to their drum. I had fun with one of those pallet jockeyz 'bout 15 yearz ago tho'. I had ONE Pallet for the Phord plant in Saline, Mi. to deliver. My previous stop waz another Phord Plant in Milan, Mi. 'bout 20 milez away. Pallet Jockey at that plant refused to take his load because my trailer was 6 monthz too old to enter and he deemed it unsafe.(GM waz famous for that game too) That put the Milan pallet in front of the Saline pallet and that jockey refused to side slip it to the other side of the trailer to access his one pallet because it waz not hiz freight. So I'm now down two missed delivery's and headed for the third. While There I borrowed an electric pallet jack and re-set the two Phord stops plus the final stop on the run so I'm now good Right? All iz well now right? I get to the final and he'z closed for the day because of all the screwing around at the two FOMOCOZ and resetting the trailer, so I make a U-turn and head for the Barn. 8:00 O'Clock that night my dispatcher callz me at home and whats to to know what the hell I've done at the Saline Phord plant so I go thru' the whole enchalada and he sayz I hope you can prove that because the afternoon shift and night shift got sent home because that waz a pallet load of computer paper needed to run the plant for about the next two weeks and that no delivery shut down that plant. I just said to check my gate passes at both the Milan and Saline plant's and we're good. He said be at the Saline plant at 07:00 tomorrow and hung up the phone. I waz at the gate at 06:55 and at the dock at 07:00. Plant Manager meets me at the check in window and ask me what happened yesterday so I go thru' the whole story for him. He asks me if I can pick out the guy who who refused to move one pallet to get Our computer paper off your truck and I point the guy out that's sitting on hiz assigned fork lift with another half dozen dock jockeyz, and the Plant Manager sayz to get backed in I'll take care of that SOB. Az he marched across the dock I started laughing AFTER I'D EXITED THE BUILDING TO GET BACKED IN. I never saw said SOB again as long az I delivered there again which waz almost daily for 'bout another year. Another book but like I've said before, You can't make this S**T up, Jer
No you can't Jer. No you can't.
I got a million of those stories, as most of us do.
Everyone of them that got me called into the office the next morning.

Everybody thinks all we do is drive, look at the pretty scenery, drink coffee, and screw the waitresses.

Our company had a warehouse in Boston to store excess store fixtures, equipment, displays, etc.
I was sent to NJ to pick up all the copper plumbing and wiring from a recently closed store and bring it back to that whse. and then bobtail back to the barn. I got called into the office the next morn.
All the copper was gone and the warehousemen claimed I brought them an empty trailer.

Yep. Can't make it up.

Hung Jury on all charges against Officer Porter.........let the rioting begin!

First protester already arrested!

Rite Aid not on fire......yet!!!
Worked for a company that bought a plant in Tijuana, Driver pulled into a gated yard with propane tanks for the fork trucks, closed and locked the gate, went into the office. Came back out 5 minutes later, the natives had jumped the fence, stole the propane tanks and were back over the fence and no where in sight.

My brother worked for Norfolk Southern in Delaware, there was a place in NJ or DE, can't remember what he told me. It train went down a hill and back up, close to the city. The train would slow down a lot at the bottom. The natives would wait for the engine to get over the crest, decouple the cars, cut the locks on the boxcars and steal everything out of it before it could get reported.
Police aren't playing.......

Arrests are being made for Unlawful Assembly. The thugs are trying to cause chaos and trying to stopping traffic. Police are designating areas where they can assemble and protest. Again....hung jury on all charges. Administrative hearing tommorrow whether to retry Officer Porter or not. Nothing there folks. Officer Goodwin will be the next to be tried.
I'm going to dinner...we'll see if the city is on fire when I get back.
Cripes, Bob, it's only 4:15.
Early Bird at the Hungry Heifer with your AARP discount? :D

La Toltecta......Pedro's family works here.

I haven't ate anything today and going to be done before the dinner crowd shows up.
72 Fury. Did you ever deliver to ANY of what used to be the big 3 in Southeast Michigan?

No, I was not a truck driver, but instead a huge fan of anything class 8.
72 Fury. I wasn't trying to jam you. Haulin' Freight used to be a proud profession and I waz glad and proud to be a part of it for 46 yearz. Please just think of my soapbox journey here as being enlightened. The UAW is a whimpering mass of idiots compared to it's former self and unfortunately they've done it to themselves. They were warned in '72 after the first oil embargo and the lay offs began that their jobs were never coming back and they all laughed and collected their unemployment and sub pay and went up north to play on there snowmobiles and chased Bambi and when summer rolled around they all went down to the river and played on their 20'-30' boats. That fiasco lasted almost two years before the unemployment ran out and the Sub Pay stopped too when the UAW had to dip into their retirement fund or go bankrupt or just shut the $ faucet off. Unions today are a shadow of there former selves for the most part. I can count the ones I know of on one hand and still have any clout at all and have fingerz left. UAW, Teamsters(for the most part), AFofL,CIO, doesn't really matter. They didn't know when to stop gouging the Golden Goose and now it bites 'um all in the a$$. Wanna know why there iz no middle class in this country anymore? Look at the auto industry and count the KEI's and TOYOTA'S on your way to work tomorrow and then ask yourself why General Motors is having their Buicks built in China for American consumption. We old guyz are the lucky onez. We've paid the price and if we've been smart in our choices along the way we can coast on out for our remaining yearz. And I won't talk about how many times your and my government has bled the mandated retirement account of it's citizens first starting during WWII because at that time it was absolutely necessary but it never stopped being bled and the same with the road taxes we pay every time we fill up our D.D.s. Wanna know how many Billions have been bled from just those programs for your elected officials to squander away? We'll never know because they won't tell us and we'll never know and it just keeps happening and we can't stop it. I'm Done, Jer
72 Fury. I wasn't trying to jam you. Haulin' Freight used to be a proud profession and I waz glad and proud to be a part of it for 46 yearz. Please just think of my soapbox journey here as being enlightened. The UAW is a whimpering mass of idiots compared to it's former self and unfortunately they've done it to themselves. They were warned in '72 after the first oil embargo and the lay offs began that their jobs were never coming back and they all laughed and collected their unemployment and sub pay and went up north to play on there snowmobiles and chased Bambi and when summer rolled around they all went down to the river and played on their 20'-30' boats. That fiasco lasted almost two years before the unemployment ran out and the Sub Pay stopped too when the UAW had to dip into their retirement fund or go bankrupt or just shut the $ faucet off. Unions today are a shadow of there former selves for the most part. I can count the ones I know of on one hand and still have any clout at all and have fingerz left. UAW, Teamsters(for the most part), AFofL,CIO, doesn't really matter. They didn't know when to stop gouging the Golden Goose and now it bites 'um all in the a$$. Wanna know why there iz no middle class in this country anymore? Look at the auto industry and count the KEI's and TOYOTA'S on your way to work tomorrow and then ask yourself why General Motors is having their Buicks built in China for American consumption. We old guyz are the lucky onez. We've paid the price and if we've been smart in our choices along the way we can coast on out for our remaining yearz. And I won't talk about how many times your and my government has bled the mandated retirement account of it's citizens first starting during WWII because at that time it was absolutely necessary but it never stopped being bled and the same with the road taxes we pay every time we fill up our D.D.s. Wanna know how many Billions have been bled from just those programs for your elected officials to squander away? We'll never know because they won't tell us and we'll never know and it just keeps happening and we can't stop it. I'm Done, Jer

Nicely said Jer... you must emotional on this one... your Samuel Clemens is slipping a little, I think everyone could understand that one.
72 Fury. Did you ever deliver to ANY of what used to be the big 3 in Southeast Michigan? Those dock workerz still think it'z 1975 and you WILL dance to their drum. I had fun with one of those pallet jockeyz 'bout 15 yearz ago tho'. I had ONE Pallet for the Phord plant in Saline, Mi. to deliver. My previous stop waz another Phord Plant in Milan, Mi. 'bout 20 milez away. Pallet Jockey at that plant refused to take his load because my trailer was 6 monthz too old to enter and he deemed it unsafe.(GM waz famous for that game too) That put the Milan pallet in front of the Saline pallet and that jockey refused to side slip it to the other side of the trailer to access his one pallet because it waz not hiz freight. So I'm now down two missed delivery's and headed for the third. While There I borrowed an electric pallet jack and re-set the two Phord stops plus the final stop on the run so I'm now good Right? All iz well now right? I get to the final and he'z closed for the day because of all the screwing around at the two FOMOCOZ and resetting the trailer, so I make a U-turn and head for the Barn. 8:00 O'Clock that night my dispatcher callz me at home and whats to to know what the hell I've done at the Saline Phord plant so I go thru' the whole enchalada and he sayz I hope you can prove that because the afternoon shift and night shift got sent home because that waz a pallet load of computer paper needed to run the plant for about the next two weeks and that no delivery shut down that plant. I just said to check my gate passes at both the Milan and Saline plant's and we're good. He said be at the Saline plant at 07:00 tomorrow and hung up the phone. I waz at the gate at 06:55 and at the dock at 07:00. Plant Manager meets me at the check in window and ask me what happened yesterday so I go thru' the whole story for him. He asks me if I can pick out the guy who who refused to move one pallet to get Our computer paper off your truck and I point the guy out that's sitting on hiz assigned fork lift with another half dozen dock jockeyz, and the Plant Manager sayz to get backed in I'll take care of that SOB. Az he marched across the dock I started laughing AFTER I'D EXITED THE BUILDING TO GET BACKED IN. I never saw said SOB again as long az I delivered there again which waz almost daily for 'bout another year. Another book but like I've said before, You can't make this S**T up, Jer

WOW that was an awesome story
72 Fury. Did you ever deliver to ANY of what used to be the big 3 in Southeast Michigan? Those dock workerz still think it'z 1975 and you WILL dance to their drum. I had fun with one of those pallet jockeyz 'bout 15 yearz ago tho'. I had ONE Pallet for the Phord plant in Saline, Mi. to deliver. My previous stop waz another Phord Plant in Milan, Mi. 'bout 20 milez away. Pallet Jockey at that plant refused to take his load because my trailer was 6 monthz too old to enter and he deemed it unsafe.(GM waz famous for that game too) That put the Milan pallet in front of the Saline pallet and that jockey refused to side slip it to the other side of the trailer to access his one pallet because it waz not hiz freight. So I'm now down two missed delivery's and headed for the third. While There I borrowed an electric pallet jack and re-set the two Phord stops plus the final stop on the run so I'm now good Right? All iz well now right? I get to the final and he'z closed for the day because of all the screwing around at the two FOMOCOZ and resetting the trailer, so I make a U-turn and head for the Barn. 8:00 O'Clock that night my dispatcher callz me at home and whats to to know what the hell I've done at the Saline Phord plant so I go thru' the whole enchalada and he sayz I hope you can prove that because the afternoon shift and night shift got sent home because that waz a pallet load of computer paper needed to run the plant for about the next two weeks and that no delivery shut down that plant. I just said to check my gate passes at both the Milan and Saline plant's and we're good. He said be at the Saline plant at 07:00 tomorrow and hung up the phone. I waz at the gate at 06:55 and at the dock at 07:00. Plant Manager meets me at the check in window and ask me what happened yesterday so I go thru' the whole story for him. He asks me if I can pick out the guy who who refused to move one pallet to get Our computer paper off your truck and I point the guy out that's sitting on hiz assigned fork lift with another half dozen dock jockeyz, and the Plant Manager sayz to get backed in I'll take care of that SOB. Az he marched across the dock I started laughing AFTER I'D EXITED THE BUILDING TO GET BACKED IN. I never saw said SOB again as long az I delivered there again which waz almost daily for 'bout another year. Another book but like I've said before, You can't make this S**T up, Jer

When I worked for GE, I had to go to the Norfolk truck plant about twice a year. I had a Mercury Sable wagon company car. I stopped at the guard shack and told the guard there what I was there for and I had a ton of equipment to bring into the plant. She said "We only allow Fords in the plant." I said "It's a Mercury so we are all set" I got a blank stare.... She said "no, only cars made by Ford" "It's a Mercury" After going back and forth like this, I said "It's a Mercury, made by Ford". She had to check with her supervisor... who had to check with someone else. I heard the whole conversation on the radio she had. The last guy said "Well... Yea... It's a Mercury." and a little more stupidity before she said "I checked and Mercurys are made by Ford".

Another time... Same plant, same car.... I parked near the building after getting direction from the plant supervisor. He said "If someone says anything, tell them I said this is where you have to park". I came out late in the afternoon and there was a guy standing there. He said "Is this your ******* car?" "Yep, the plant supervisor told me to park here". "We were just bringing over a forklift to move it" "I was told to park here by..." "I don't care, that was this morning and he's gone home and I'm the 2nd shift supervisor and you move the ******* car right now" Now there was nothing around it... no fire hydrants or fire lanes. It was over away from everything. Just I hadn't asked him.

I got some stories from going into the NPG plant here in Syracuse too...
When I encounter pecker-heads like that I like to quote to them a line from a Jimmy Buffett song {good times & riches & son of a bitches....I've seen more than I can recall}
Retrial of Officer Porter will probably be announced today.

I think a retrial is BS.....if the jury couldn't convict him.....let him go! The charges are absurd!!!
Nicely said Jer... you must emotional on this one... your Samuel Clemens is slipping a little, I think everyone could understand that one.
Thank You my friend and maybe-kinda-sorta but with some Will Rodgers leaningz. One of my favez from 'ole Will and I'll paraphrase it ah little: Being the democracy we are why is it that when we elect our leaders we are the only country in the world that must keep them four years no matter what they do
Perfect time to throw the jumper cables on this thread while Joey has his hands full for a while...

President Obama will press ahead with a set of executive actions on guns next week despite growing concerns in the U.S. over terrorism that have dampened some Americans’ enthusiasm for tighter firearms restrictions, according to several individuals briefed on the matter.