Checked into the hotel in Kalispell last night, and this was the room I was assigned.

That's a good omen.
I was planning to celebrate my car's 50th birthday. I've got all the original dealer paperwork on the car. At least all the paperwork the owners got on delivery. Anyway the car was an ordered car. It was ordered in Dec 1966 and the new owners took delivery on Jan 5, 1967. Unfortunatly I had the flu at that time!!
I've owned the car (2nd owner) for 12 years. I wanted to celebrate "our" 12 anniversary....but April 5th slipped by and I didn't realize it.
hey thats a great idea for a barbee que , both my 67 300 rags have their 50th b-day date . that will be fun . hey my 37's are going to be 80ty and my 27 roadster she's 90ty . have to include them as well . its going to be a year long party , glad the girls like going topless , lol .







Well, pomon, your in CA, so I guess it's a good time for a cookout any time it's not raining! A cookout in Jan here; it's the coldest time of the year.
Which brings up something if often wondered about concerning the cars original owners. I can't imagine buying a car in Jan of all months. Usually snow and road salt as well as cold!