New Member
Are you going to upgrade the drakes to give it some stopping power? Trust me if you are still on drum brakes. It won't be long until you need to haul her down in a hurry.
Don't drums lock the wheels as good as discs? Didn't we have this discussion two weeks ago?
Unless he's going circuit racing or towing through the mountains even brake fade isn't an issue.
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In this day of factory installed disc brakes.... 4 wheel disc brakes and anti lock brakes a lot of the necessity of "driving" a car has been eliminated.Drums get a bad wrap from the inexperienced
Read my mind, but thats too much typing
I knew thats what you wanted to say Dave......
Hi all. New to Forum. Just thought I'd say hi.
I recently picked up a '68 Fury convertible and am working on it with my teenage sons - sort of a bonding project.