61-63 Gauge Cluster


Jul 5, 2018
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I think 61-63 had the same gauge cluster. Can anyone tell me if they are exactly the same?

I have two and I though one was just faded out but when I compare them one seems to be painted more of a gray and the other is black. The one that is black the water temp is gray faded looking.



My 1963 is all one color. I suppose it could have been replaced, but I don't have any evidence. It could have also been a mid-year change.

The one that is black the water temp is gray faded looking.

View attachment 688876

Something just occurred to me: the internal voltage limiter for the cluster (which can and does fail) for 61-63 is inside the temp gauge. I'd bet someone replaced the whole temp gauge at some point, as the easiest way to replace the limiter. That would explain why it doesn't match.

In 2024, I'd suggest installing an external, solid state limiter instead.
Something just occurred to me: the internal voltage limiter for the cluster (which can and does fail) for 61-63 is inside the temp gauge. I'd bet someone replaced the whole temp gauge at some point, as the easiest way to replace the limiter. That would explain why it doesn't match.

In 2024, I'd suggest installing an external, solid state limiter instead.
You could be correct, I didn't realize that. I did get a new gauge but I haven't tested it yet to see if it works.

Any sort of instructions out there on updating the voltage limiter?
Any sort of instructions out there on updating the voltage limiter?

I installed this solid state limiter in my '63 this summer, and so far there have been no problems. My gauges also seem to be more reliable.

RTE limiter - rte

The site is simple, but there's a lot of information, including a write-up of how to handle an internal limiter from an earlier Imperial. They were also great about answering my emails when I had questions.
RTE Gauge Faq - rte

In my case, I didn't bother removing the gauge and bending the limiter. (I try to avoid making changes I can't reverse.) I just bypassed it, which works fine. If people are interested in a write-up, I took a bunch of pictures. Where would be a good place to post something like that?