65 C body front subframe vs 67 C body front subframe


Active Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Land of High Taxes
I was thinking about replacing the front subframe from a 1965 300 2dr with a 67 newport 4dr subframe. The reason behind this.. is i can rebuild the 67 sub at my leisure.. and when done.. just replace into the 65 300. Wondering.. besides the odd ball left front motor mount on the 65 and power steering location.. what dimensional differences there are. Is there any frame documentation anywhere? Mounting points etc. I have not measured anything yet, just trying to see if it is possible and what obstacles i may encounter.
No differences other than what you mentioned.
For dimension differences refer to 65 and 67 FSM for comparisons. I doubt that there are any differences. But nice to compare.
Thanks guys for the responses.

Cbarge: FSM? Is it a service manual? Can it be found online?

Furyman: The torsion bars would be from the 67 stub.. i wont be replacing the 67 front stub with 65 parts... am i missing something in your reply?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks guys for the responses.

Cbarge: FSM? Is it a service manual? Can it be found online?

Furyman: The torsion bars would be from the 67 stub.. i wont be replacing the 67 front stub with 65 parts... am i missing something in your reply?

Thanks in advance.
Yes Factory Service Manual.
Discs can be found online as well as reprinted paper copies.
I know that 1965 New Yorkers had isolated torsion bars, similar to the '67 to '73 Imperials. If the 300 uses the same set up, that would be the big difference between the two. The bars are probably longer on the '65.
Only early production Chrysler and Dodge had isolated torsion bars. I dont know if Plymouth ever had them. My 65 Monaco had them.
Mymopar.com has factory service manual for 65 Chryslers free online as well as lots of other Molar info for reference or download. Interesting sidenote-the 1965 Chrysler automatic transmissions were the same as 64 & back cable shifted pushbutton transmissions. 65 models used a column shift lever connected to an adapter to the round wheel cable adjuster. 1966 Mopars were all lever adjustments on the case.
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Except the 64 and earlier output shafts were for a trunnion, not a u joint. This makes the 65 727 a one year only.