'65 Fury II


New Member
Mar 20, 2011
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Yeah it's rough. I paid $600. It came with a title and the 1965 dealer's build sheet.

Tuning-up the motor this week and will slap some tires on it after I pull, strip and paint the wheels.

We may work on it after that, we may decide to sell it to someone with more skill, time and money than I.

Anyways, here's the pics.




Well, we're leaning towards selling this as a parts car. Not sure of what we want to do with it.

I'm leaning towards getting it moving and stopping, then drive it 'till the body falls apart. The wife is worrying about the cost of getting it decent.
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Compared to our northern cars that looks pretty solid for its age. Who cares about a little bit of patina. What does it need to be safetied?
You mean to drive it safely?

Once I get the motor going, I'd like to do the brakes and put in a 2-chamber master cylinder. Then later do power front discs.

Dash lights are also somewhat inop.
It does look solid but is the car worth the investment? It has to be to someone. I'd hate to see it get parted.
Kind of looks like mine. It's a Fury I slant six car with no motor or trans.

Quick question guys. The door mechanisms are pretty rusted, and probably need to be replaced. Where can I get some online? Will anything from a A/B/E body fit?
Well consider this a project thread from now on....maybe there's another guy like me out there who found one of these cheap.

Some good and bad today. The good is that I got the 383 working...though it's pretty rough and shaking like there's a dead cylinder or maybe something with the mounts. The bad is that my wife ripped out the front carpet and the passenger side floorboard will need to be replaced.

I'm trying to convince her to let me put in flamethrowers and a Buddy Christ on the rear window shelf.

She's already looking for Mexican blankets....
sounds like a great project! get it running and keep it low key and ratty! slap some fat whitewalls on red steelies, it'll be awesome.