For Sale '65 Riv.

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Seriously, though, I would think you'd be a Gentleman's Hot Rod ( a/c, 4 SPD, big luxury rwd cruiser) type of guy. You have a lot of racer in you

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He raced Auto trans already in his youth with the A12 Super Bee IIRC.

..or was it a Road Runner.
! Slaps self on head !
You, Will.

OHhh... OK.
I had a fling with 4 speeds in my youth. But being a Mopar guy I learned early on that unless your Ronnie Sox or Wally booth, and you get free transmissions from Chrysler, then you just cannot outshift a Torqueflight.

Sure, the 4 speed proves your a man, just a slower one.

Now days..... I don't think the knee will hold up under a stiff clutch anymore.
Stan????????? I'da thought you would have grabbed more then enough gearz in your professional life time that even raising your left leg at ah complete stop would loose it's luster? Did I ever tell yeah 'bout the time ah friend of mine brought home an '89 Chrysler TC 5 spd. IN '89 from World Headquarters for the weekend and handed me the keyz to go for ah ride? After maybe 10 minutez of city driving he picked up on the fact that I waz shifting it without the clutch 'cept for at the stop litez and started sobbing uncontrollably about loosing his job if it wasn't returned in the condition as when he checked it out. I LMAO 'bout that for dayz. I still get all warm 'n fuzzy when I think about it, Jer
I want a manual in everything I drive. Doesn't mean it's practical. Just the way I am.
BTW, I Never used the clutch except like Jer said, to launch it from a dead stop.
Red light. Uphill. Car on your bumper and no bars on the load.
Trolley and feet reaction time don't fail me now.

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