'66 300 vent window whistle


New Member
Mar 22, 2015
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Huntsville, Al
Hey guys:
I am having an issue with my left vent window not wanting to close tightly to the seal. I don't want to crank the handle any harder than I am. It will physically close if I push it with my fingers but it will not stay there. There is probably a 1/4 inch gap. Is there a solution for this? Thanks.
The whistling of these vent windows have caused many stripped gears in the mechanism by trying to force a tight seal. Although your vent window is still working, I think you may have a worn tooth in the gear near the end of the rotation.
From my experiences with our '66 Newport Town Sedan, the whistle comes from the area where the vent pivots on its upper shaft. There is usually a small gap there, but not nearly big enough to leak water. With the high-silicone vent window seal, very little possibility (to me) that it can be stiff and not seal well. DO look for the line on the glass where the gasket seals against it, for good measure.

It is common nature to seek to use the crank to crank the vent closed with more force. Which then wears the innards of the mechanism and results in what you now have. Just as it's common nature to put force on the door armrest when you open it, rather than just pushing outward only. I've sold tons of hinge pin bushings for Chevy pickups because of that. Just like walking up to a door and pushing downward on the bar to open the door, rather than just pushing forward. FWIW

Happy Holidays!
My '68 300 makes a whistling noise from the vent window area when you are going down the highway, but I actually think it's the mirror and not the window making the noise. If I put my hand over the mirror, the noise goes away.
Anyway, with the vent window, it's best NOT to crank it too tight because those mechanisms will start to wear out. When it's cranked all the way shut, just give it an extra push to close it more tightly.
I just noticed you said your window doesn't stay shut when you give it that extra push. Mine does. I'm not sure what the difference would be.
Are the worm gears available for manual windows? I'd hope those are common with A/B bodies but I've got no idea. Both sides on mine are toast, I have to help it along through most of the travel range.
I believe the vent window regulators were for all C bodies 65-68. They are left (driver) side and right (passenger) side specific (different). they are usually on EBay.
I think you all are correct. The crank has a lot of freewheel between forward and reverse. Not sure if I want to deal with this before I put it up for sale in the spring. Thanks for the help.