66 Chrysler 300, WHY does the roof look wrong ???

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Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
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Sebring, Florida
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That C-piller is wrong.
That does not look like any roof line I have ever seen on a Chrysler.
Reminds me of the mid sixties Fords.




Correct roof:

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I never trust illustrations from then old brochures.
He got the rear window TOTALLY wrong.
Glitter and Unicorns...
Forget it. Most likely just the angle

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It looks like the camera angle is distorting it a tad.
66NP3.JPG66NP4.JPGI believe both the 300 and Newport shared that roof line in 66.


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View attachment 5163View attachment 5164I belive both the 300 and Newport shared that roof line in 66.

Take another look at the pic in question, notice how rear window has a border around it, and the trailing edge of the side window forms a parallel line with the roofline instead of tapering at the bottom, like we are more used to seeing.
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Yeah you're right. The "C" pillar looks the same but the window opening is definatly different.
Canadian built 300 cars used this roof line:


U.S. built 300's used this roof line:


So, be careful if you're looking for a rear window, otherwise you may be saying..:eek:ops:
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Are you sure that the '66 just wasn't given a unique 300-only roofline? We have another one popping up for sale in Reno now. How did all these Canadian cars get into the USA?
Are you sure that the '66 just wasn't given a unique 300-only roofline? We have another one popping up for sale in Reno now. How did all these Canadian cars get into the USA?

Image Google 1966 Chrysler 300 and you'll get a gazillion pictures.
1/2 a gazillion will show the "Canadian" C-piller and the other 1/2 a gazillion will show the "U.S." C-piller.
Canadian cars weren't "imported" to the U.S. Many U.S. cars were assembled in Canada. As they are to this day.
For confirmation on this, ask Leaburn, our definitive Canuck Guru. Wish he hung around here more...
That's odd because it makes no sense from a manufacturing standpoint and would add cost. A whole seperate roof stamping and a different piece of glass for the same car.
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