Old Man with a Hat
Thats what the kids say about our cars today Gary. After a few generations kids generally dont like those 60 year old cars
Thats what the kids say about our cars today Gary. After a few generations kids generally dont like those 60 year old cars
Yeah I'm hearing ya. My brother's friend is 22 and always ragging on my car......he drives a toyota with glowing lights underneath...how stupid is that......
Yeah I'm hearing ya. My brother's friend is 22 and always ragging on my car......he drives a toyota with glowing lights underneath...how stupid is that......
That's a rhetorical question, right??
It can be if you want it to
I can't find a picture with a winterization kit on it. Only the Howitzers deployed in Germany and Korea had the kits. I can tell that it's unbelievable when it fires! The ground shakes and you feel the concussion a hundred feet away. There's a cloud of burnt cordite in the air. I can't explain the noise...... it's the loudest noise I have ever heard. Just imagine eight of them firing at the same time.
Christ look at all that death and destruction blasting out of those guns!Then you need to talk to someone who was on the New Jersey, Wisconsin, Missouri or Iowa when they fired a broadside of their 16" guns particularly near Turret 1 & 2.
This is Iowa past and her guns 2012
I wish they were all pointing at N. Korea right now and end this nonsense from that spoiled little rich kid right here and now.
Then you need to talk to someone who was on the New Jersey, Wisconsin, Missouri or Iowa when they fired a broadside of their 16" guns particularly near Turret 1 & 2.
This is Iowa past and her guns 2012
He was horrible but had charisma.You're a regular Henry Kissinger.
I'm no fan of either of those guys. We may just yet have to bomb their *** & that will suck.He was horrible but had charisma.
Uh, Ross, that spoiled little rich kid admires David Rodman and wants to nuke your ***.
I wish they were all pointing at N. Korea right now and end this nonsense from that spoiled little rich kid right here and now.
I was in country during Desert Shield/Storm when the Wisconsin was firing 16" salvo's. Quite impressive! Each round was like a Volkswagen being hurled through the air! One of the most impressive (and deadly) firepower strikes I seen when I was there was B-52 strikes. Just unbelievable. B-1 bombers were deadly too. We also had a Battalion of MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) Artillery with our Artillery Brigade that fired MGM-140 ATacMS (Army Tactical Missile Systems) which were 13' tall and 24" in diameter with a range of 100 miles.
I worked with a older guy (actually he was a mentor) who flew "iron hand" missions in the Viet Nam war. He flew A10 Intruders, F-105's and Aardvark over the skies. The stories he told some of us during lunch break were like going to the movies. We always looked forward to grabbing lunch at Wegmans and sitting at his table. He was a true unsung hero and never spoke about what he did unless asked and then we had to pull it out of him. I always got under his skin by telling everyone he had Hell fire missiles bolted under the floor of his car.....just in case,lol.
You would've liked him.
Yeah, he was great dude...Wise.Right on brother!
Yeah, he was great dude...Wise.
I fear he might have bought the farm though by now, he was already up there when I last saw him.
One of my friends here in Aberdeen was a Pearl Harbor Survivor.......I haven't seem him since last fall.