66 NewYorker

Laid in to it all the way tonight, WOW she pulls way hard, even did a nice burn out with the family, after all it is a family car....
Did lil vid this evening.....

[video]https://fbcdn-vthumb-a.akamaihd.net/hvthumb-ak-xpf1/v/t15.0-10/p261x260/10470038_893299857348616_893299707348631_56991_218 7_b.jpg?oh=c0a5ef21682f685eabe7993fc12fbeed&oe=54F 87092&__gda__=1421995889_8f292cd33cf51061987bf4d03 51425c2[/video]
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Tried to watch the video and got a error. Anyone else have any issues or just me?
Very nice, great job, I give you a lot of credit and it looks like you live in Illinois from your license plate, me too.