67 Fury convertible...440/4spd...

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well he's not like me. I have morals and give a damn about people. I am worried about doing right over wrong and I like to help others.
I also dont lie, cheat or steal. Just because he's made a living out of old Mopars doesnt make him out to be a saint
Dave, don't get me wrong....I don't like the guy at all. A lot of people think he's a great guy. I probably wasn't clear about my point. I agree he's not like us for all the reasons that you pointed out. All I was saying is that he was a Mopar hobby guy (like us) that turned it into something big for himself.
By the time you put a set of decent wheels and tires on it, and replace the interior with something that won't provoke an epileptic seizure, you're looking at big money for that one too.

Man that is exactly what that interior tried to do to me, I lost my breath and started to black out.....:sFun_doh2:
Looks like a bargain now compared to this one:

http://www.autabuy.com/Vehicles/Details.cfm?VID=281523&Year=1966&Make=PLYMOUTH&Model=FURY III


Stay away, this is the brother of the fellow in Lakeland Florida that Stan cant tolerate...lets call them the miser brothers
Yes I am........... Might as well be brothers, this guy is the next town over with a BAD reputation
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