67 Newport - 500 bucks

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I think this car was bought for the drive train... now that it's out there getting rid of the carcass....
It would still be a decent parts car...
From the crappy pic, there may be at least $500 in goodies left.
If it was close by, I'd have to call.
Doesn't mean I have to like the guy if that's what he did.

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The car?, if it were down the street I would have bought it.
with only the information in the listing plus two questions (condition of floorpan/trunk pan, and shape of backseat) for seller, if it were nearby (within 100 miles so i could go get it myself), and I could keep it indoors to prevent further deterioration (i always can) while deciding what to do with it ("restore" or at least "re-road" it from the parts bin for someone else later who could finish bringing it back), at $500, yes, I would buy it without even going to look at it first.
with only the information in the listing plus two questions (condition of floorpan/trunk pan, and shape of backseat) for seller, if it were nearby (within 100 miles so i could go get it myself), and I could keep it indoors to prevent further deterioration (i always can) while deciding what to do with it ("restore" or at least "re-road" it from the parts bin for someone else later who could finish bringing it back), at $500, yes, I would buy it without even going to look at it first.
And otherwise? Lol!!

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And otherwise? Lol!!

not really an "otherwise" but a "clarification".

Since i am not looking for a 1967 Newport but am moved to at least save it from the crusher if possible, I guess I can say it more simply like somebody else said earlier:

"at $500 Hell Yah" :icon_cool:
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