I got a new parts story.... My wife wanted a new front loading washing machine... the rocks down at the creek weren't good enough for her anymore...The new washer went well for a couple years and then died one day. There was a door interlock that wouldn't even let us get the clothes out. I studied online for a solution... and everything pointed to the control module. Mrs. Big John ordered a new one from Amazon as they had the best price. I replaced it and it was still a no go.... We sent the module back and got another. This time I could at least get the machine to work, but none of the rest of the functions worked. I gave up at that point and said it was time to call somebody.
My wife, happy that the thing worked at least, wasn't crazy about dealing with a service guy or the expense and related BS. So she let it go.... A year later, it stopped working. Again, it pointed to the module being bad... I ordered another, paying a little more, but the place had a good return policy. That one worked 100%! It's still going 3 years later.
So.... 2 new bad modules in a row!
My wife, happy that the thing worked at least, wasn't crazy about dealing with a service guy or the expense and related BS. So she let it go.... A year later, it stopped working. Again, it pointed to the module being bad... I ordered another, paying a little more, but the place had a good return policy. That one worked 100%! It's still going 3 years later.
So.... 2 new bad modules in a row!