WANTED 68 Fury 4 speed shifter handle.


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Apr 2, 2012
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I am looking for a 1968 Fury 4 speed shifter handle. Looking for one in decent shape. I don’t really need the shifter mechanism, just the handle. Thanks
Picture of what it looks like? I have one-not sure what it's for. Does anyone know of an Inland 4 speed handle identification chart or pictures?
Do you have a console or bare floor?

Do you have a inland or hurst mechanism?

What is the build date of the car?

Does it have a reverse lamp on the lower dash?

I just have the handle, there are quite a few different ones.
Mine had the Inland shifter with no console. I don’t have a picture of the original shifter but. I know it looks similar to the b-body Inland shifter with the pull up T handle under the shift knob.
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