68 Fury III front disc, rotor replacements?

I will continue to use my 50/50 acetone/ATF cocktail on all things rusted.
It works the best, never harmed anything, and rarely let's me down.
Jeezes, around here no matter what you do, one Einstein will always come up with a 1 in a million scenario that I have never seen or heard happen.

Mention putting air in your tires and one person will just have to say to wear body armor because over inflation can cause a tire to explode.
All these years I've been going about all wrong. PB Blaster for two days prior and torch and vise grips to start.:eek:ops:
Bleeder hot not the whole damn caliper. BTW this only works if the bleeder still looks like a bleeder, some of the crap the are putting on the roads nowadays will rust a bleeder clean off smooth.
I will continue to use my 50/50 acetone/ATF cocktail on all things rusted.
It works the best, never harmed anything, and rarely let's me down.
Jeezes, around here no matter what you do, one Einstein will always come up with a 1 in a million scenario that I have never seen or heard happen.

Mention putting air in your tires and one person will just have to say to wear body armor because over inflation can cause a tire to explode.

Sorry guys, not meaning offense here, but it occurred to me the a lot of people put weight into what they read in a place like this. You three all have given some excellent advice and are among the contributors when things are going wrong. Stan, I love ATF as penetrating oil, never thought to mix with acetone as I like it to sit and soak, but either would potentially attack rubber components of a brake system.

All these years I've been going about all wrong. PB Blaster for two days prior and torch and vise grips to start.:eek:ops:

Matt, I have no doubt you are accomplished and can get the job done... but as long as a 6 point socket or bleeder wrench still has a prayer to move the screw, vise grips and anything that could cause damage is unwarranted.

Bleeder hot not the whole damn caliper. BTW this only works if the bleeder still looks like a bleeder, some of the crap the are putting on the roads nowadays will rust a bleeder clean off smooth.

Dave, I would be willing to trust you to cook a bleeder screw free... but 9/10 dumbasses trying, I would be yelling stand back! That way when parts explode no one else gets hurt. Just because someone can light a torch doesn't mean they should use it.

All that said, I was originally responding to some kind of lube being used after the fact on a finished job. I was trying to point out proper use and cautions required to not contaminate brake system components... I have replaced or quoted dozens of systems because someone contaminated the system, usually indicated by the cap gasket swelling. I've been down the road of wishful thinking and tried flushing away contamination once on my car when a disgruntled coworker dumped in ATF... the seals all swell and eventually cause problems including the HCU on a late model. I would hate for someone who doesn't understand to read this and decide to blindly try something that will lead to problems. I believe you guys would be cautious enough and understand enough to avoid trouble, and could get yourselves out if you got in. Then again you're not the ones looking for help on a brake job.
I was kidding...
but either would potentially attack rubber components of a brake system.
Soaking a bleeder?
No..... Sorry.
Even in an unlikely worse case scenario, the only rubber it could possibly come in contact with are the dust caps on the cylinders. You're doing a brake job anyway. The cylinders probably are going to be replaced. This drops the probability down to 1 in ten billion.

I'm having a hard time reading this BTW because I'm also wearing a safety shield over my face while I'm opening a can of tuna fish.
Do you work for a government regulatory agency?
I'm having a hard time reading this BTW because I'm also wearing a safety shield over my face while I'm opening a can of tuna fish.
Do you work for a government regulatory agency?

Just trying to add some caution... jeez... my as is kinda sore after this one
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for you setting your car on fire because you can't use a propane plumbers torch.