NOT MINE 68 imperial coupe

It’s still there for now. I’ve been there twice in past weeks and the owner was not there!
I’m kinda dragging my feet on this one as I have a log jam of cars going on right now.
It is a no brainer. I will have to make room first.
Fair enough. I'm a long way away in Australia looking at it thinking I'd like to see it here, but wondering if it was too difficult and too much work. That's why I was glad to see you take it on
It’s still there for now. I’ve been there twice in past weeks and the owner was not there!
I’m kinda dragging my feet on this one as I have a log jam of cars going on right now.
It is a no brainer. I will have to make room first.

You know, at that price, I don't think anyone would think twice if you cleaned it up and flipped it. Just saying.
You know, at that price, I don't think anyone would think twice if you cleaned it up and flipped it. Just saying.

I agree. There is no negative connotation as he has done the hard work to find the car, negotiate a fair price and told everyone first.
Picked it up today. Took it to car wash. Will clean up good. Lots of original paperwork in glove box. Not a spec of rust anywhere!!!!
Will post more later.
Glad that you were able to save this one. :thumbsup:

That's one hell of a rear view mirror. I guess that's for times on I-5 when traffic is actually moving. :steering:

Holy balls, Ken! That thing is friggin gorgeous! I'm missing the same lower trim on my driver's seat. We'll have to find another dude with a double white '68 and the 3 of us can be a patriotic cruise.
Well if you could just please pop that in a container marked Melbourne I would be most appreciative.
No very well done of rescuing what looks to be a great car :)
Love the red interior! Owning an Imperial is on my bucket list and yours is a beauty! Lots of potential there, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Best wishes
Holy balls, Ken! That thing is friggin gorgeous! I'm missing the same lower trim on my driver's seat. We'll have to find another dude with a double white '68 and the 3 of us can be a patriotic cruise.
My 68 is missing the drivers side plastic trim too! Great save Sgt Fury!!!!
@SGT FURY You lucky son of a gun! That's a beauty, still thinking of selling after it cleaned up so well?