just curious for all ebay auctions, is there a way to know if the items sold. used to, you could click on it and it'd stay there, now when you do that, they offer something "similar" and the original ad is gone. thanks for any feedback.High bid was $8,050 on July 14.
The only way I've figured out (so far) is to do a search for the car and over on the left side, check the "completed" and/or "sold" boxes for the search. That will get you close.just curious for all ebay auctions, is there a way to know if the items sold. used to, you could click on it and it'd stay there, now when you do that, they offer something "similar" and the original ad is gone. thanks for any feedback.
In the verbiage “this item is no longer available”, the word “item” is a link to the old listing. Not sure why they are hiding old listings now, it is frustrating.just curious for all ebay auctions, is there a way to know if the items sold. used to, you could click on it and it'd stay there, now when you do that, they offer something "similar" and the original ad is gone. thanks for any feedback.
thanks very much !The only way I've figured out (so far) is to do a search for the car and over on the left side, check the "completed" and/or "sold" boxes for the search. That will get you close.
1969 Chrysler 300 Series -- | eBay
I ran into this on an item that wasn't sold and was relisted. Even clicking on the "Seller has relisted" took me to something else. Very frustrating and another example of eBay not thinking through their "updates".
Tell me about it, they tell you an item is relisted and then send you somewhere else. It actually took me a few days to notice the link.In the verbiage “this item is no longer available”, the word “item” is a link to the old listing. Not sure why they are hiding old listings now, it is frustrating.