69 300 'vert - gold/white/white

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On E-bay how does one re-bid his own bid up a grand ??? Sounds a bit fishy ???

Member Id: n***6
( 43
US $10,000.00Dec-21-13 11:55:46 PST
Member Id: n***6
( 43
US $9,000.00Dec-21-13 04:43:34 PST

Let's say you bid $10K for the car, and the current high bid is $7K. Your bid shows as $50 more than that high bid, so you show at $7,050. That bidder who had the previous high bid, bids again. He bids anything under $10K, and that shows YOUR bid going up by that amount, as per the example you have shown. If someone bids over $10K, now their name is the top bidder.
Oh I am very familiar with that, however the same bidder went from 9 grand to 10 grand with no other bids in between. this has happened a few times on this car.
Oh I am very familiar with that, however the same bidder went from 9 grand to 10 grand with no other bids in between. this has happened a few times on this car.

Click on the "show automatic bids" tab on the bidding summary (upper right of screen) and you will then understand the sequence of all the bids, including the automatic ones.
69 300s should have three thin stripes going down the character line of the body, as in the top photo. Other models, such as Newport have the trim.
thank you. just curious, do you guys find even mopar body shops getting it wrong? or mainly just the non-mopar shops?
What's a "Mopar" body shop?
A body shop that aren't hackers should recreate the original fender exactly regardless.
If the owner of the Mopar doesnt care enough to discern good panel reconstruction, he gets what he deserves.
I agree, was just trying to figure out of people felt most have had good results or not, or maybe most do it themselves (?)
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