69 Fury III - Hood and front fender extension trim?


Apr 17, 2014
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Hello, this car is for sale on FB Marketplace (not mine), but i noticed the trim above/around the headlight "doors" and on leading edge of the hood. I've had my car a long time and know this option existed but TBH i haven't seen this a lot, if ever, on a Fury III.

My car, also 69 Fury III, doesn't have this option and there are some gaps around the headlight doors that i'm not crazy about.

Does anyone know more about this option?

Thanks all!
69 fury for sale with trim above headlights_front hood lip circled.jpg

69 fury for sale with trim above headlights_front hood lip.jpg
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My 69 Fury III has it.
spring special dress up package. there is a thread on it here somewhere.
My 69 VIP has not. I think on the later build 69 Furys there was this trim and the front fender side markers are different
Do your 69 Fury's have the shoulder seatbelt? I was told these came cars later in the 69 year. Mine has the shoulder belt. Just wondering if the fender extension molding happened then too.
Do your 69 Fury's have the shoulder seatbelt? I was told these came cars later in the 69 year. Mine has the shoulder belt. Just wondering if the fender extension molding happened then too.
No shoulder seatbelt in Shamu. When I bought her, she didn’t have any seatbelts, so she’s not a good example.

I put lap belts in.
My understanding the later year 69 Fury like mine has the seat and shoulder belt . And as I said before has the chrome extensions being discussed so I was wondering if there was a connection in the time frame.