69 fury, tach.

I know that...... but many police cars were ordered with them Through A Few years. Which makes them easier to locate than the tachometer. The tach best of my knowledge was a 69 Fury only option.. which makes them tougher to find, and let's be honest. How many people who bought a new Fury wanted a tachometer for the family cruiser.
I know that...... but many police cars were ordered with them Through A Few years. Which makes them easier to locate than the tachometer. The tach best of my knowledge was a 69 Fury only option.. which makes them tougher to find, and let's be honest. How many people who bought a new Fury wanted a tachometer for the family cruiser.

Some of the guys with the 70 and 71 SF GTs probably would have.
I don't think I've ever seen the tach (or oil pres. gauge) shown (or mentioned) in a catalog. Essentially it's like Bob Evans deep-fried mush; not on the menu, but they'll make it if you ask for it. *

*Bob Evans managers, please don't bother to correct me, I know it's back on the menu now. It was absent for many years.

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Obviously, but not for 69. It like they were a year early. And let's not forget the oil pressure gauge crossed over to the Dodge line up for 71

I was replying to the part where you said it was a 69 only option and that the SF GT guys of 70/71 might have liked to have the option

I wasn't disagreeing. I was agreeing
Most of SFGTs were sales bank cars. More likely optioned to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Have you got some back up for that Stan? Not doubting mind you.

I like to read about it. Never claimed to be an expert but would love to learn more.
Have you got some back up for that Stan? Not doubting mind you.

I like to read about it. Never claimed to be an expert but would love to learn more.
Fact checking??
You must be moderating Monday night's Presidential Debate.
No backup. Just the voice of an Old Man With a Hat that kinda sorta remembers the way things were while still allowing for the possible fading of the memory with time. :D
Fact checking??
You must be moderating Monday night's Presidential Debate.
No backup.

Touchy? You made an assertion and I was wondering if it was just you passing an assumption as fact or if it was based on fact.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were a bunch of sales bank GT cars by the way but at this point I'm just assuming it's likely and true.
But we need a 180 degree sweep, not 90.

Thinking a bit more about this, you don't truly need a 180 sweep. Most tachs that I've seen are probably about 270 degrees, but they also end at 8-10k rpm. When you remove that last 2-4k of the scale, (since the factory unit ends at 6k) the span from 0-6k is about 180 degrees.
Touchy? You made an assertion and I was wondering if it was just you passing an assumption as fact or if it was based on fact.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were a bunch of sales bank GT cars by the way but at this point I'm just assuming it's likely and true.
Not being touchy. Just being humorous.