69 fury VIP 383 4 bbl W23 RECALL WHEELS 1 of 20 $$12,500.00

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my car was built the LAST DAY of RECALL WHEEL AVAILIABILITY.. 8/28
Just out of curiosity what were "Recall Wheels" called before they were recalled?
"cool" of course

Does that mean that the car should have red line tires? That pic from the brochure looks like red lines...could be a stock photo from a Barracuda though.

It's a beautiful car in one of my favourite colours, that should be preserved, but like many here, I suspect- I don't have that kind of money in this economy. I think I only spent $15k on my wagon when I did it and that was a total resto (no I'm not counting my time in that figure).

Besides, I am more of an Imperial man. Plus I have made it my personal mission to preserve the often forgotten and maligned Formals, and the last big Imperials in particular.

I hope someone can buy and give it the resto it deserves...If I won the lottery I'd be like Leno...and probably broke in a year.
The Saturday Powerball winner is going to get 150 something million in cash. That would be a lot of C-bodies.
Great, another road wheel. Good question Chris....... Never thought about it
Thanks Dave. I just kinda figured that when you filled out the order sheet there probably wasn't a box to check that said "Recall Wheel" LOL
My 1978 data book shows these as W23 road wheels......was 1970 the first year these were available?


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